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Garlic: Growing tips , How does garlic grow , Benefits and virtues

Garlic is an essential perennial vegetable plant in the vegetable garden which particularly likes the sun. Garlic bulbs are used in cooking,...

Garlic: Growing tips

  • Garlic is an essential perennial vegetable plant in the vegetable garden which particularly likes the sun.
  • Garlic bulbs are used in cooking, renowned for their taste and aromatic qualities.

Planting garlic

  • Above all, favor buying garlic that is certified free of nematodes and virus.
  • Traditionally, white and purple garlic is planted in the fall and pink garlic in early spring.

White and purple garlic :

Preferably plant the bulbs (small secondary bulbs) in the fall if your soil is well drained, otherwise wait until early spring.

  • If the climate is mild you can start planting your bulbs as early as January-February.
  • For regions with a harsher climate, white garlic is planted in the fall,
  • For purple garlic, it is planted in the fall.

Pink garlic :

  • Pink garlic is planted in late winter for regions with a mild climate and in early spring elsewhere.
  • It is a so-called early variety, which is harvested in spring.

Plant the garlic well:

  • planting garlic Choose the caieux on the outside rather than those on the inside because they are fleshier and hardier.
  • Garlic cloves sold for cooking can be used when it is specified on the package that they are free of virus disease.
  • Begin by digging one or more furrows in a line a few centimeters deep, no deeper than that.
  • Space each furrow about 20 centimetres apart.
  • Place each cauliflower a few centimetres deep, with the tip (germ) facing up.
  • Space the caieux about 10 centimeters apart to give them room to grow.
  • Cover with light soil and water regularly.
  • Garlic needs plenty of sunlight.
  • Watch out! Garlic does not like too wet soils, if this is the case, mix your soil with sand.

Vegetables to be associated with garlic :

  • Garlic Likes the company of beets, chamomile, carrots, celery, strawberries, lettuce, leeks and tomatoes.
  • Garlic REDOUTS the proximity of asparagus, cabbage, beans and peas.

Cultivation of garlic

garlic cultivation Garlic is undemanding and requires virtually no care during the entire cultivation process. But a few simple actions will allow you to have a better harvest.

When the young plants come out of the ground, regularly clean around them to remove weeds and allow water to drain away by breaking up the hard earth.
  • Water in summer when it is hot or when there is a drought.
  • Garlic hates excess water so never drown the bulbs.
  • Hoeing and pulling weeds as you go along

Garlic harvesting

Garlic: Growing tips ,

Emergence occurs approximately 1 month after planting.

Before harvesting the garlic, remember to knot the stems that are beginning to yellow so as to stop their development and promote the concentration of sap in the garlic head.
  • harvested garlic The harvest is done in summer, generally in June-July.
  • Before storing the garlic, dry it for a few days in the sun.
  • Then clean it and store it in a dry, airy and cool place.
  • When the bulbs reach a respectable size and seem well formed (in June/July depending on the variety grown), it is time to harvest your garlic!
Note also that it is possible to harvest green garlic as early as spring (usually in May) and thus consume both the bulbs and the leaves.

To know about garlic

Clove garlic plantation Native to Central Asia, garlic is a condiment with long, flat leaves extending from the foot and gives slightly pinkish white flowers.

It has been used for thousands of years to flavor dishes in most countries of the world.

It is indeed very much used in cooking to spice up certain dishes and it is known for its antiseptic, stimulating and even aphrodisiac virtues, just that...!

Garlic belongs to the same family as shallot, leek and onion.

Benefits and virtues of garlic :

Garlic has many virtues and health benefits and has long been used to fight many ailments.

Indeed, it is both invigorating and antiseptic, helps to fight against hypertension and rheumatism.

It also has benefits to fight against certain diseases in the garden such as peach blister, whether in planting or in garlic decoction.

Advice about garlic

In the spring, control weeds around the garlic as it does not tolerate them well.

Garlic: benefits and virtues

Garlic or allium sativum is a perennial plant with a bulb 30 to 40 cm high whose nutritional properties, benefits and virtues are appreciated.

It is eaten raw as well as cooked, in whole clove or chopped and it has the particularity to keep for a long time.

Garlic: a little history

Native to Central Asia, garlic is probably one of the oldest condiments known.

Known for millennia, it spread quickly around the Mediterranean basin. Food, condiment and medicinal virtues... They were praised by all peoples.

The ancients recognized two essential qualities: that of being a powerful fortifier and that of being a remedy against the plague.

Its low caloric intake and its many nutritional assets make it an ideal ally for our health.

Garlic and its health benefits

How does #garlic grow !
Garlic is an essential ally for your health. It reduces hypertension, decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease and helps reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Garlic acts on arterioles and cardiac contractility: it has remarkable hypotensive properties. It stimulates the heart, facilitates circulation and makes the blood more fluid. Garlic extract is also used in the manufacture of modern blood pressure medication. Garlic is recommended for lowering cholesterol levels and against arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). As a preventive measure, it is also effective against cardiovascular disease.
  • Thanks to its antiseptic, bactericidal and expectorant virtues, garlic is effective against contagious diseases. It is also an excellent cure for bronchitis, flu and seasonal respiratory infections.
  • Garlic acts on the digestive organs as an antiseptic: destruction of the pathogenic flora and fight against diarrhea by its spasmolytic action.

Garlic helps to reduce blood sugar levels.

It is also an excellent vermifuge (against pinworms and roundworms).
Finally, Chinese studies also show that the rate of cancer is significantly lower in people who consume garlic daily (20 g per day), compared to those who only consume it occasionally.
Did you know that?

Internal use: you can use fresh garlic in powder, capsule or tablet form and beads containing oil. In addition to its use raw or cooked in cooking, garlic can be used to relieve ...
Garlic decoction: 2 or 3 crushed cloves, boiled in a glass of water or milk. As a hypotensor (which reduces the pressure in the arteries).

Treatment of plants: recipe for garlic decoction

  • Garlic syrup: boil 50 g of garlic in a glass of water. Filter, add 50 g of sugar. Consume 2 or 3 spoons per day. Against respiratory infections.
  • Garlic alcohol: crush one pound of garlic and extract the juice. Add to this juice the same quantity of alcohol at 40% vol. Consume one teaspoon 2 or 3 times a day for 10 days a month. As an antiseptic.
  • External use: garlic has rubefying and vesicant virtues, which give it its effectiveness used in cataplasm for example or against corns.
Garlic cataplasm: garlic crushed with mustard against neuralgia. But : it smells very strong !

Garlic oil or ointment: crushed garlic with twice its weight of camphorated oil or lard (Ex: for 10g of crushed garlic, add 20g of oil or Saintdoux). Against rheumatism, arthritis, spinal column pain.

Garlic plaster: a slice of garlic against corns, calluses and warts.

Enema: deworming with a decoction of garlic in milk.

Growing Garlic

It is mandatory: garlic needs sun and heat. For the soil: a neutral pH, light, which dries well after rain, not too moist and not too stony.

Garlic Tip

Garlic enjoys the company of strawberries, potatoes, lettuce and tomatoes. But it does not like peas, beans and broad beans. Keep it away from them.
Beware of small animals!

The stems and leaves are attacked by the green caterpillar of the garlic moth. If this happens to you, cut off the affected parts and uproot the most affected plants. Watch out for rot.

Garlic species and varieties

garlic health benefits virtue In the official French catalog, you will find 23 varieties of garlic. For cultivation, use only certified seedlings, free of any virus.
  • You will recognize it by the blue label on the seed sachets.
  • For the autumn varieties, you will ideally plant Germidour, Messidrôme or Thermidrôme.
  • For a spring or fall planting, you will prefer Printanor or Fructidor.

Garlic in the kitchen

Garlic is used as a condiment: raw cloves season raw vegetables and sauces, cooked cloves flavor lamb legs and stews, roast pork, stuffing and fish.

Gourmet idea :

Have you ever tried garlic puree? Boil a head of garlic for 20 minutes in ½ l of water, a tablespoon of olive oil, two pinches of salt and that's it! A delight spread on toast as an aperitif.
Nutritional intake

131 kcal / 100 g. Garlic is very energetic and contains only 64% water. It contains vitamins C, A, B1, and B6 as well as trace elements (selenium, iodine, silicon, cobalt).
Finally, garlic is rich in potassium.

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