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How to propagate succulent plants in 5 easy steps? Removed from the plant

 A FEAST FOR THE EYES Succulent plants are available in a wide variety of textures, colors, shapes and sizes. From the smooth blue rosettes ...


Succulent plants are available in a wide variety of textures, colors, shapes and sizes.

From the smooth blue rosettes of echeveria hugging the ground in compact clusters, to the towering 6-foot agave Americana reaching towards the summer sun, they include one of the most fascinating plant species.

The succulent plants grow outdoors in temperate climates and are excellent additions to sheriscapes, where irrigation is minimal. They are at home between cobblestones, in rock gardens and stealthily through crevices in stone walls.

These versatile plants also thrive indoors in well-drained pots, as well as in terrariums, provided they are watered sparingly.

My favorites are miniature varieties.

I like to plant them in interesting containers, grouped together to create an eclectic desert landscape.

You will fall in love with these low-maintenance beauties, and knowing how to propagate them means that you can grow as many of them as your heart desires.


The multiplication of succulent plants is child's play. Of course, you can start from seeds, but it is easier and faster to use the plants you need to produce even more.

Here are two simple methods:


You can divide a plant in two ways.


Remove the seedlings, or offsets, that have grown next to the mother plant.

These are fully formed and rooted mini-plants that can grow independently.

With echeveria, a rosette-forming succulent plant, we call the main plant the "hen" and the seedlings are called "chicks". With the barrel cactus, they are called "puppies".

Some succulent plants deposit seedlings. Like seeds, they take root where they fall.


Dig up a whole plant and gently separate the roots. Plant the separate tufts individually.

Plants that have been divided by separating the roots can be placed immediately in the soil.

For indoor plants, use a potting soil recommended for cacti and succulent plants, such as Hoffman Organic Cactus and Succulent Soil Mix .

You can also mix a handful of sand or perlite in soil. The right mix promotes drainage and provides nutrients.

Hoffman Organic Cactus and Succulent Soil Mix, 4 quarts

Propagate succulent Plants In 5 Easy Steps

Wait a day, then water sparingly.

Put outdoor plants back in the garden when the sun is not directly overhead. Work the soil until it is crumbly, raise it up a bit and make a shallow depression with room for sprawling roots.

Nestle your plant carefully in it and gently cover the roots with about an inch of soil. Gently press down to secure.

Wait one day, then water the soil around the plant lightly.


With the cutting method, simply cut off a piece of leaf or stem, let it dry and you will have roots and shoots in no time. The trick is to keep it completely dry.

Here are two methods:


Randomly remove several leaves, dry them, let them grow roots and plant.


Propagate succulent Plants In 5 Easy Steps
It is a good solution for a plant that has become tall and slender, or whose naked limbs with long legs draped like a pendant.
Simply cut the plant's head off the long stem, leaving about one inch of stem attached. Dry it, let it grow from the roots and plant.

The remaining stem of a healthy decapitated plant should grow new leaves in a compact group, making it a stronger and more attractive plant.
As indicated, cuttings made from leaves and plant heads should be dried and allowed to grow roots before planting.

It's not difficult! Here's how:



  • Sharp shears
  • Garden gloves (for handling thorny varieties)
  • Small trowel
  • Potting medium for succulent plants and cacti
  • Containers with adequate drainage holes



  • Randomly remove a few leaves from your succulent plant, twisting it gently to remove the entire leaf without tearing it.
  • On the growth on legs, these can be removed from the lower part of the stem, which will be discarded.
  • For plants such as the Christmas cactus, you may need to use scissors to remove an individual leaf.
  • If you "decapitate", use your scissors or lawnmower to cleanly cut the stem about an inch below the lower leaves of the plant head.


  • Set the cuttings aside in any type of container or tray.
  • They are not difficult. No soil or water is required.
  • Check them in about five days and see if each has formed callus on the cut end.
  • This protects exposed soft tissue from bacterial penetration.


Monitor root growth over the next few weeks.
Leaf cuttings will begin to wilt as they become food for newly emerging plants.


When roots form, fill well-drained containers of your choice with potting soil or select a suitable garden site for planting.
You may also choose to mix a handful of sand or perlite in regular potting soil.
Succulent plants thrive in sunlight and well-drained soil. Without sun, they fade and with too much water they rot.
Plant in a sunny spot in the early morning or late afternoon, when the sun is less intense.
Raise the soil to raise the cuttings above the edge of your container or garden surface. Gently pack the soil to secure the roots and do not water.
Embellish with decorative stones or pebbles of your choice.


  • The next day, water sparingly and gently compact the soil again.
  • As your new plants acclimatize to their environment, growth will accelerate.
  • At this point, it's time to purchase a succulent food / cactus, such as Miracle-Gro succulent plant food, available on Administer according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • There are other techniques for propagating succulent plants, such as placing cuttings in the soil to remove calluses, allowing them to root directly into the soil.

Miracle-Gro succulent plant fertilizer, 8 oz.

This method is ideal if you want to create your own nursery for several cuttings at a time, however, you must keep the soil completely dry while the cuttings settle and form roots.

Plan to spend a few weeks on the propagation process, trying various methods and noting the results. A garden journal is ideal for record keeping.

A note on cactus propagation:

Propagating succulent plants is easy and fun. From a seedling, division, leaf cutting or beheading, you can increase your collection of these beauties.

Now, you may be curious about the types of cacti that we have not mentioned.

We know: the barrel types form puppies that can be harvested and planted individually. And Christmas cacti have individual leaves that can be cut, calloused and rooted. But what about others, such as the column varieties?

We propagate by cutting.

Since the whole cactus is a giant leaf, the question is, where do we cut?

Simply cut into the top or side of a columnar cactus and remove a piece about an inch in diameter. Place it on a dry, undisturbed surface and forget about it for a few months.

During this time, as long as it remains dry, the cutting will settle and form roots. Then it is ready to plant. 


I am fascinated by succulent plants.

Propagate succulent Plants In 5 Easy Steps
They make a spectacular display when planted in multi-variety groups, forming a tapestry of lively colors, shapes and sizes that remind me of a deep-water coral reef.

So resilient and vibrant, it's hard to believe that they grasp the ground with barely-thin roots and barely need a thimble of water to thrive.

Consider the need for little moisture and water sparingly!

This tip from succulent growers is useful: plant rosette-like varieties such as echeveria tilted downwards.

This way, water will run off instead of accumulating and promoting rot.


What are you waiting for?

It's time to enhance your decor with the wonders of nature's desert and enjoy what may be the simplest and most rewarding type of gardening you've ever tried.

Visit a local nursery and choose succulent plants that you like. Feed them and try your hand at growing new plants to share with your friends.

And use the techniques described above to propagate these unique plants like a pro.

Do you have a favorite succulent? What plant propagation tips would you like to share? We'd love to hear what you think in the comments section below.

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